I would love to buy this game however I’m not seeing a native linux version. Do you think you could make one so that I could then feel comfortable paying for this game? Thank you!
Just one thing, I don't really see the point in your comment. You are free to make your choices without making them public knowledge. As a very small portion of the operating system user base, any complaints we have don't matter, especially when the game itself is rated platinum on protondb.com (meaning, a flawless experience using Proton).
Regards, a fellow Linux enthusiast.
I am saddened that your experience just then was a lot of ppl trying to invalidite your questions by their projections of it being unnecessary (they're not the devs and they know it). They seemed to feel their comments to quiet you were more important (and they weren't), but you're curiosity over certain ports is very relevant so a dev can find out how much support for certain OS exist. Hope you get your direct answer and have a good day.