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A member registered Oct 12, 2019

Recent community posts

Windows only? Why not support the same platforms the main game does?

Can you make a native Linux version?

Would love a Linux version

I would prefer a native version.

Fair enough! Thanks for letting us know :)

That doesn’t actually answer the question

It’s been over a month since the last activity on github. Have you abandoned this game already?

Why does CPU usage go so high when lots of items are waiting to be recovered or repaired? I got close to overheating a couple times because of this.

I think Itch finally did the cdn switchover, which would affect all HTML5 games on the site. Luckily I always do a manual export save every time I close the game so I didn’t lose anything here. I have probably lost my save data from every other game I play on here though…

RNG be like that. I was just showing that sets are not impossible to complete, by the example that I’ve completed two of them. No need to downvote me for that.

You have me confused with somebody else; my completed packs are “Miners and Equipment” and “Scrap Logistics”. I am currently working on “Cave Locations”. Make sure you’re looking at the tooltips for the cards you’re missing to see what packs they are found in.

I’ve completed two sets so far

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You can play the github version over at

Just export your save from here then import it over there

EDIT: Why am I being downvoted for answering their question?

Would be nice if this had a Linux version

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You need at least a 0.1% success chance to craft now. If you can’t get this even at max compression, you’re using too many slots.

How to fix Farm: delete it from the game and start over taking inspiration from Ethereal Farm. In its current form this feature will never feel good to play because it is based on manual harvest cycles. It needs to be a lot more passive.

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Salt is also considered a “rare earth”

As far as I can tell it’s any mining resource with special requirements beyond depth

Looks like you still have to build it before you can benefit from the offerings though, so probably not a huge issue.

Perhaps this game just isn’t for you? Based on all of your comments it really doesn’t sound like a long-term idle game is what you’re looking for.

I bought a theme

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Giving amethyst any use other than buying cosmetics will make it so nobody wants to use them on cosmetics, which would be bad. The whole point of having five different gem currencies that are all gained at the same rate and used for different things is so that you don’t feel bad about spending them.

Please have a Linux version this time! I want to be able to play too :(

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It is considered housing because every 5th one you build adds an additional worker

Please make the “max” buy button visible on the collapsed display thank you

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The overhaul to Horde mode is brilliant and completely fixes everything that used to be annoying about it before. Fantastic work!

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That person is incorrect, the resources generate at all times of day. Whether or not it is night time means nothing.

The tooltip for the magic resource has that explanation.

It consumes one copy of the card, but you can only select cards you have multiple of. You can never consume your last copy of a card.

Not a bug, intended feature.

It took me quite some time to figure this feature out, but I do believe I have a handle on it now. Basically while the game is open magic is randomly expended to change a random resource from any other feature into a magic resource. You then need to find this resource and move your mouse cursor over it to collect it, which will add it to the night hunt page. Back on that page, you can attempt rituals with these resources in order to try to unlock potions. Combinations that haven’t succeeded yet will have a little “new” indicator next to the button- once this indicator is gone there is no benefit to repeating that specific combo if it did not yield a potion (I wasted SO MANY RESOURCES before figuring this out). The rest should be easy enough to work out from the tooltips.

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It’s the prestige mechanic for Mining, it VERY SLOWLY digs down to 10% of the depth you’ve reached and the depth it makes it to determines how many of the prestige resource you get when you prestige and also what prestige upgrades get unlocked.

This comment is how I learned that I need to place the gnome. I was just convinced that the chance of getting gold was extremely low.

bonus to gold dust earned

You can read all notes on the notes screen, unread notes will have a blue dot on them.

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Yes. After depth 45 you only get aluminium from depths divisible by 3. You can see this on the tooltip for it the next time you’re at a depth you can get aluminium from. You should also have received a note about it your first time breaking the rock at depth 45.

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I finally figured out how mining autoprogress works. Once you click the next arrow, it will continue to advance automatically until it hits the limit you specify. Then it will stop and will not autoprogess again until you click the arrow again, no matter how much you upgrade your damage.

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Food is sold to workers in exchange for gold coins. Prior to unlocking tax rate it doesn’t get consumed so it just stockpiles until then. All of this information is visible in tooltips. As far as I can tell the only effect of running out of food is slower gold income.

Much better, thanks!

Godot 4 works fine on Linux. What browser did you do your testing in? It doesn’t work in Firefox yet (you will find this is the case even on Windows).

Why is the web version of the game so small