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Thank you for playing, and appreciate the feedback!

Will definitely note your fireball idea as it seems something I find will fit the game too.

Yes as I said I have done the rpg manually from all of my cumulated knowledge. 

As for the assets, they are all free stuff we find commonly since we didn't want to create them from scratch when they are  already available (mostly from quaternius, the asset store, open game art etc.)
On the audio side most of them were created manually by the sound artist in our team.

It would a long list to say what is ours or not. I mostly took the best sounds to me, wether it's ours or free assets, and put them together where I thought would fit.


I'm not questioning that you did, I even went and had a sneak peak at your source code because the similarities are uncanny. It definitely one of the games I'm going to come back to when I have more time and I hope you keep developing it. You've got a lot done in the time and its very polished

Thank you again, appreciate your support  for the game :)