Things I liked:
-Music was fun and interesting, long enough loop that it did not feel repetitive
-Enjoyed the look of the game (character model, obstacles etc)
-things that were generally dangerous were bold colors to make them obvious they were bad
-idea of holding down forward and jumping, simple controls, but hard to master in this game
-jumping into the skull at the end! Super fun way to end the level!
Things to improve:
-Mouse sensitivity was too high (option to adjust it?)
-More checkpoints (teeter totter section was too long and same with disappearing blocks) I think giving them a shorter section would have gotten the point across, been a challenge, but by having long sections like that, it stopped feeling like a game and more of a grind. Maybe that's what you are going for! Just giving feedback
-Way to distinguish if they were disappearing blocks or not (visual indicators)
-Player model could catch onto the side of a platform and infinitely jump
-Title screen was offputting, so including story that you were driving the car and just died could help with the flow
Nice job! Had fun- keep up the work! I am excited to see you grow as a game developer!
Thanks for checking out my game! I updated it so if you want to check it out, that would be awesome!