If you want to get depressed a little more, Country road in my opinion is the one that surprised me the most because you have so many opportunity to fuck up: try to don't to anything in the three occasions in which the workers are in perill and, if you have discouraged Logan, when at the end of the storyline you go to the farmhouse, choose I want to be there for Ste but not maybe later. I mean you have a more or less thought-free game an than BOOM! this storyline that is a minefield.
Yeah, those are on another level. The first time I played, when I still used only one saveslot, I didn't learn antitoxin, bad things happeded and there was a frase like "is not like you could reverse time and make other choices" so I go to load, but my last saving is way to early in the game and I'm forced to continue, I was so sad and from that time on I started to save every time I can XD