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I said I'd play it tomorrow but was intrigued, also one of the few games that's run well for me. (I've held off rating a lot just because a lot of unity webgl games don't seem to run well for me, but I'm aware it's a me issue).

I think it's pretty fun and even has potential as a speed game with a lot of movement to optimise to clear the levels quickly.

My main complaint is the collision detection (might be a me issue though). Without being particularly close to edges, I wouldn't be able to jump and simply fall down. I also got stuck once on a platform. But the main mechanic has a lot of potential, there just seems to be a few small bugs, like the position the spikes freeze in on one of the levels weren't consistent for me on the next life, where they'd stop in a different position than I'd stopped them previously.

Sometimes waiting for the ghosts can get annoying, especially when having to set up a puzzle again due to slipping off an edge. Maybe some kind of rewind mechanic to make a death not count to prevent that for puzzles that require multiple ghosts being set up?

Thank you for your feedback!

I actually had more action based speedrunning game concept about the game but then I went with puzzles in the end because that's easier for me to design.

About jumping and collisions: there has been also other comments so I have now fixed most jumping related issues that with some help from Vendolis. The problem that you had with platforms moving differently during different attempts is also a known bug but it happens relatively infrequently that it is really difficult to debug. My best guess so far is that it would be related to frame rate inconsistencies.

Your last point is also something that has been repeated by others too. Rewind mechanic is interesting solution idea but I fear that it does not fit the narrative or theme. Maybe if I would just change the theme to time travelling that could really work as a mechanic. I will have to remember this suggestion. Maybe I will make a speedrunning time travel game somewhere in the future.