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Eventually the game was deeper and had more content than it seemed at the first look on it.

The professor's aide in the first lab room seems to have stepped through the portals a few too many times, judging by how he seemed to phase out of the normal dimension (his model's mesh would need some fixing).

The first bot I encountered was seemingly invincible, until he turned around when I disengaged. Fortunately the other ones were somewhat easier.

Performance in the landscape behind the last portal was seriously lagging, this scene would need some optimizations...

The controls could need a bit of improvement as well, at some points I was moving towards the front and suddenly my view flipped around.

Given the huge scope of the game it's no wonder it's so unpolished. So perhaps next time, scope your project a bit down so you can make it a more rounded experience instead... ;)


Truly, I need someone like you that criticize the project, thank you very much. I will take notes and I will try to improve it. I am very glad to hear your advice Heckert, someone like you always makes the projects growth.

Heckert, I worked today in some feedbacks you commented me, I reorganized the navigation points of Nicholas, the aide of the profesor Wagner int the first room of the first Facility. And I did a mesh combiner in the last level, because the road was maded with Haudini Kit ramp. It makes too many meshes creating this ramps but they are very nice to me. With the mesh combiner I combined all the meshes in one, I hope this reduce the time lags in that level.

I need to solve the some bugs in my game yet, in the Labs, if you are near a door and you flip, you see behind that doors, the solution is easy, but I will fix those issues tomorrow, and I need to find another model to Nicholas, becuase that model has too many problems, I am agree with yoo, . Give it a try please, and coment me about, your feedbacks are very valueble to me.