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(1 edit) (+1)

The tutorial doesn't show up for me anymore after the first try. I read the entire thing carefully, thought it was a bit much with the terminology I hadn't seen before. Started my game, aaaand still did not have much of a clue what I was doing. :D

Gave it another 3 tries, still don't quite understand what I'm doing. I end up finding myself clicking all the buttons that are on the screen - I understand I can discard what I have in my hand. I understand I can draw new cards from the bottom right and I understand that I can draw an event from the top right. 
What I can't figure out is what I'm supposed to do with the cards I have in my hand, which ones I can place on the board and how I'm supposed to interact with them with the cards I have on hand once I have managed to put something on board. 

So all that added up, I think it'd be good to have some sort of visual indicator on the board as to which card can go where, potentially with color, potentially with a placeholder frame, potentially just with text. Also it'd be nice to look back on the instructions/tutorial if needed.

Our game is complex as well and with less of a tutorial (only in writing on the itch page) so I've really tried my best, more than once. But I couldn't quite progress any further to a point where I'm not randomly clicking everything that's on the screen hoping for something to happen. 

Loved the music, loved the menu with the sliders for the sound right from the getgo and loved to zoom mechanic, because my poor eyes definitely need it in pretty much every game.

Thanks for your submission!

Thank you for taking the time to give so much feedback. I agree with what you are saying, I do need visual indicators I think it would add a ton to the game. The rules were definitely not very apparent. I ended up having like 30 mins to put in the bad wall of text version of my tutorial. I saved to player prefs the checkbox to not show the tutorial, and did not have time to put in the menu the ability to bring it back. That was definitely something I would have loved to had time to fix, cause as is if you check that you have no way to undo it.  The cards ya were not balanced or enough of a variety. I appreciate you taking the effort to try and play it. I do hope to work on it and make it better.