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I agree, I want to learn to make my own 3d models as well, likely on blender too for that reason. I spent 4 days on my game, so I think I had plenty of time to make my own assets if it were the case of me having the skill to make 3d models. Especially after seeing your game along with other games in this jam, I think it is important to learn it. 

How did you learn it? Was it via gamedevtv course, youtube, some other resource, or did you just play around in it yourself?

Oh, you made your game in pretty short period of time! Expected that it took longer to do, like week or more.

Making 3D models really important and great skill in game development, i think it so much easier when you need some model and instead of searching you just make it yourself! Yea, it's pretty time consuming but really helps develop the world that looks as you intended!

I learned Blender when was working on other games (some in early stages of development, some were very close to release, but i just dropped my work on them all, so there's nothing i could show) and were making models for my game always by myself. It really helped to improve my skills in modeling objects like furniture or buildings, but i still SO BAD at modeling characters and just living creatures! So, of course you won't learn it without just straight up work and experience, but overall in youtube, i would recommend really awesome and short tutorials by Royal Skies, if you have a problem in basic tasks his videos can help you a lot. Maybe just search some basic blender tutorial first, like some that Blender Guru made. Also, love Default Cube, but it's less of tutorials and more of just amazing things that you could do in Blender. Google helped me the most of course, it's my style of learning i guess :). So if you want to learn it, just go and do something, you will learn it pretty fast that way and then you just need to work on improving your skills!


Noted, I was thinking of maybe doing a gamedevtv course and applying it to future games (likely other game jams first before applying it to any commercial game). Regardless of whether I do that or not, thank you for the info