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A member registered Apr 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Sorry if it was too dark, I tried to light up the areas that were more necessary for the objective. I learned a lot from this jam with this being my first jam (using unreal engine), including what I need to pay more attention to, such as the packaged version of my game, where the walls were glitched out a bit. Thanks for letting me know about the naming thing though, I was a bit worried. :)

Dang, I thought I read everything, but I guess I totally read over the thing where you are supposed to put your team name in the zip file you submit.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! As my first RPG Maker experience, I think I really could have done a lot better on the things you pointed out. My idea with walking only was because I wanted the player to move slow as the zombie, and sometimes ideas seem better when you think of them, but don't work well when implemented.

I was deciding between trying to improving what is there post-judging or whether I should take it down entirely and remake it while keeping  avoiding making the same mistakes, but I am still unsure yet.

Whoops, I thought I took care of all the passage settings, looks like I missed a few parts. As for the slow walking, my original idea was something around the zombies being slow, so they should be at a walking pace, but I had made some changes to the map which really slowed the game extra, so I think I should have allowed running. I will try to update the game at some point after the rating period so that at least running is available.

Thanks for playing, this was my first time using RPG Maker at all, so I definitely went through some bumps trying to make this. I didn't realize how painfully slow it was due to a few changes last second, I want to at least enable running on it after the judging period, as well as fill the map more because I think I should have added more detail around. There are other things as well that I want to improve but I think the ones that I said should take priority.

understandable, I had made some last minute changes in a hurry without realizing how much extra time it took to look for everything.

Yeah, the intention was for it to be slow paced, but maybe the run button would have helped, I retried the game and realized how painfully slow it was. I had done most of the testing but made a few small changes before publishing, turns out the small changes made it feel a lot slower. I probably should have realized that I knew were everything was, so it would be faster for me to finish as well.

Good luck to everyone! I didn't even realize that the jam started already until now, looks like I've got to learn how to use RPG Maker. This is my second game jam ever, and it will be my first time ever using RPG maker!

This is my first jam, and there were many interesting parts. But I think that seeing the other games and learning from them was probably my favorite part. Making the game was fun too, but it can be frustrating at times, so I like seeing all the results when all is done.

Thanks! And I will take that as a compliment :)

This game jam game is my first jam game and my second overall game. Well, maybe I could say this is first because I was making a simple hide and seek game but I got into the jam halfway through it. That being said, I agree with what you said though. I would add that I also learned that I need to properly pace myself when making a game as well.

Thanks for playing! I will try to fix it after the jam when I can find the issue :)

Thank you for playing :)

(1 edit)

To anyone else who plays this in the last part of the rating period, there is an issue with the mouse sensitivity, as of this moment, I am not sure if it is an issue with WebGL, but whenever I try to build a new version with a better sensitivity, it reverts to the old one only during the build. I fixed it in editor so anyone who sees the source code will have a better sensitivity in editor. I think it is a WebGL problem, but does anyone know if it could be anything else? I do hope it doesn't ruin the game for you though.

Thank you for playing! I do wish that you streamed it though so I could see a live reaction. The mouse sensitivity was a common issue, but I will likely fix it after the jam, and I might add a bit more content to it as well, such as a longer train and maybe other "mini-games" like the train.

Thank you for playing! You aren't the only one with the camera sensitivity issue, I really should have added a config or at least lowered it, but I probably won't fix it until after the jam.

Failed delivery and yours are good ones, I haven't tried your other suggestions yet.

Well made horror game, it gave the creepy feel throughout the entire thing. I also loved that there was a thing staring at you through a window on a ceiling. I think that an audio sound would help when those guys spawn in. Very nice game!

Wow, I commented on your game, earlier but only now did I realize that I did not rate it, sorry about that. Just rated.

Thank you for playing! Others also had this issue, which I probably won't fix unless I continue to build the game further after the jam. You aren't the only one. When I first submitted the game, I was worried that people would get off after they died thinking the game had been bugged, so I am glad you and others liked it.

I do want to play this, but this is my first time trying to download a game out of unreal engine, and I can't seem to open the file, is there a specific way to run the game?

Cool game! I like the mechanic of going back the way you came after death. As said from another comment, there is the A and B problem when is should be A and S.  The only other issue was that there was some thing that bounced me to the other direction at the beginning of one of the levels after you die, and my character went on without anything to take me back. If there was something back there, it was taking too long to get to it. Aside from the problems, for as far as I got, it was fun. I kept getting confused in the ghost mode because I kept accidentally avoiding the obstacles that you could move through, which added to the difficulty of the game, but I found that fun. The speed ups and the slow downs were pretty nice as well, it helped ease around some obstacles, or made the level quicker to pass.

i will play your game once I get on my computer later

Thanks for playing :)

Really cool game! I am having a hard time beating the wizard, healer and hero at the same time. Anyone know a strategy to beat them? The visuals, the music are well polished. I had a lot of fun playing it. I also like the difficulty which makes it challenging enough to stay fun, but not too challenging where it is impossible

Nice game, I like that you can take control of enemies if you kill them in the right way, I like the boss battles as well. I struggled more than I needed to because I didn't realize the tank was there until later. Great game overall, it has looks good, the music matches it :)

I played and rated this much earlier, but my feed said that I needed to rate this game. I could have sworn I put a comment here but maybe I forgot to save it.  Anyways, the game was really fun, I love the voice acting used for the game. It added a lot to it in my opinion. The ability to shake the machine was something I didn't realize until later, but it made things even better. I never really played any pinball games, but this one is really fun :)

Spoiler Alert:

I got stuck on it as well, I saw your stream when you got stuck, but I figured it out, there are symbols on top of the coffin that you click after you place it!

Nice! Well I would say it worked out. It also did something unique where I think it would have been much harder to replicate in a game engine

How did you make that, what I mean is what software did you use? I thought it was really cool :)

This is my first jam, so I am still unsure about some things. Do we have access to the jam games after the rating period is over?

Noice, It took me a bit to get used to the controls, then I realized you could grab things, and in some ways boost your jump.  It was pretty interesting though and I thought it was nice to some crazy movements when you try to control the character.

Cool game, I like that you add the voices in there. At first I got the red cube stuck but it was fine the second time. That was an interesting way to progress the game.

Okay, I was in the middle of typing this comment with chip still running and I did not expect that. Anyways, this game is really cool! The writing is really good, the music went well with it.  That was unexpected and amazing. Well done :)

Noted, I was thinking of maybe doing a gamedevtv course and applying it to future games (likely other game jams first before applying it to any commercial game). Regardless of whether I do that or not, thank you for the info

I agree, I want to learn to make my own 3d models as well, likely on blender too for that reason. I spent 4 days on my game, so I think I had plenty of time to make my own assets if it were the case of me having the skill to make 3d models. Especially after seeing your game along with other games in this jam, I think it is important to learn it. 

How did you learn it? Was it via gamedevtv course, youtube, some other resource, or did you just play around in it yourself?

I wasn't really that sad, I was messing around a bit, but it is harder to convey emotions through messages, sorry about that. I am glad that you enjoyed the other parts of my game as well.

I did not expect a car at all. Throughout the rest of the game, I couldn't really rest easy either because I was expecting another scare. I like this kind of horror game, because even if they don't have many jumpscares, the environment and the ambiance (plus the slow walk in this case) gives off the feeling of discomfort. Great game :). From the comments below, it seems that you made the assets yourself, what did you use to make them?

(3 edits)

For a jump scare to work, there are several parts, the sound, the timing, the environment, and the image/animation (or at least that is how I see it). Any of them alone won't be enough. Even if I had a super scary-looking image, it won't work without sound. My timing was inspired by 2 different things. One of them being the scary maze game, and the other thing is the escaping the prison game (part of the Henry Stickmin collection). If you know both of those, you might know what I am talking about.

The scare timing was intended. When the narrator talks to you, it gives it a feeling of a casual game that you can play all relaxed, but the environment is a bit more horror-like. It gives a mixed feeling of relaxation even in a dark place, which I thought would be a good environment for an effective jumpscare because people wouldn't generally be prepared for it (unless they read the comments).

As for the rest of the text, I might put it after the jam rating session is over on the game page. I think my game has been spoiled to whoever reads the comments anyway, so I would prefer not to directly add the text until after the jam (because no further spoilers). Ironically, it is my comments also spoiling it though.