Does this game work on Windows 10? I'm not sure if that's the problem, but it just doesn't run for some reason. After i double-click the exe file nothing happens. I have also tried the .jar version with no success. Please help.
If you can try to run the exe in the command line, you'll be able to see the error (in the future, we'll print the stack trace on the screen to make it easier for you):
Run the following command while in the directory of the game: java -jar "TalesOfAndrogyny.exe" - that should give you the error.
From what I've seen, the most common issue is whether your videocard driver supports the proper version of OpenGL - updating your driver might help. Depending on what the error is, though, it might be something we can fix.
Yep, that's the lwjgl OpenGL error. I need to figure out how I can handle it, because there appears to be a resolution, but I'm not sure exactly what causes the issue and how to detect it ahead of time. I'm going to try a workaround and see if it works in the general case.
Here's the description of the error - it's a bug in lwjgl, as far as I can tell:
Alright, the fix seems to have isolated the issue then - we're trying to force it to give the all clear, but if your video card doesn't support OpenGL 2.0 the game just can't run. D:
The next version we're putting out will actually pop up the error on crash without you having to run it from the command line like that, so it'll be more obvious what the issue is. Thanks again for giving it a try, and glad to hear that it works on your PC - I expect a lot of the people having issues are running the game on integrated graphics cards on their laptops.