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I made it to lvl 10 but boss HP there is... 608 000... lol 

Boss HP progression should be lowered  at least to half,   or  disabled his regen, so we can hit him  with multiple attempts


It doesn't sound like lower level players like me have much of a chance progressing in world boss at all...

yeah, absolutely! I can't see it possible to reach lvl 5 for players lower then league 1 at least

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You made lvl 10? You must have at least 4+ mythic girl. I have no payment method in our country so I never pay one cent and never could get a mythic girl except the basic ones. I went through 7 lvl and hardly could go 8.

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I used 3 Myth +2 Leg green setup, cuz green is so hard to charge fully, and with 4 Myth's is less effective,(and i don't have that Sheela girl).  My full damage at this setup is about 110k  +\- 5 k. And no, as someone said here, i'm not give a damn cent to this game, since developers THAT greedy! This is just ridiculous to "sell" bunch of low-res pixels with 5-frame animation for 100$!

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I GOT IT!!! If you have Sheela na gig girl, and equip her with 5 Libido stone, she will make 10x damage. That mean you can make 700k+ damage at one single turn. I can easily get through water treasure cave now!