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A member registered May 23, 2021

Recent community posts

I'll stick with Dungeons and Dragons Online.  A far superior F2P experience.  I can always get porn online for free too.  Goodbye Dirty League...

It's a great game but 80 Euros a month is a bit steep.  I have suggested that during the events that all chests give pirate silver to make #33 (2000 pirate silver) and #39 (4000 pirate silver) a bit more achievable without spending cash...

What about #33 and #39?  A common chest only gives 25 pirate silver..

Nothing wrong with people paying to enjoy themselves. We all have hobbies that we spend money on...

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I understand they're "World Bosses" and should be challenging but it's not cool that even the level 1 Undead Elephant can kill a player on the first turn with a single card...

Lower level players are still having difficulty with this event so they should not increase anything...

Agreed.  This is where I got the majority of my new cards.  The events make it difficult to get higher powered cards and only for the girls that are featured in the event.

If they keep taking the nerf bat to this game without fixing any of the other issues I'm going to bail..

How about a way to surrender in the Tower so that you don't have to hit refresh when you encounter someone with 10X your hit points?  Hitting refresh kicks you back to the main screen and you have to reenter the Tower which is a pain in the ass.

Can you eliminate the messages in Tower that constantly remind you when you go up or down a league?  It gets extremely tedious when it happens over and over.  The first time is great and all the notice we need.

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How do you upgrade a girls ability?  I just checked all of my girls and they're just at lvl 1 for ability.  I do not see any option to increase that on any of them, even the ones I have not leveled up yet.

Whenever I try to go to the event chest it gives an error message.  Please fix this.

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All chests should give event currency (pirate silver, etc) during events.  Currently it is only Tower chests (but not Tower chest for 5 victories) and chests in Colosseum that drop event currency.  It should also apply to the goal rewards on the left-hand side of the screen and the Tower reward chest for 5 victories.  Please consider implementing this WITHOUT increasing the amount of pirate silver required to complete event goals.  Thank you.

It doesn't sound like lower level players like me have much of a chance progressing in world boss at all...

I think this is a test run for World Boss.  It would be nice for all five portals to be opened at the same time.  I can barely beat the level 1 boss so I cannot really add anything else for them to improve.

After the toys update I lost 2000 hit points again despite equipping all the toys in my inventory.  Are they still working out the bugs?

My HP dropped again even after equipping all the available toys.  Are they still working out the bugs?

I have the same issue.  Reloaded page, cleared cookies, closed browser, rebooted PC.  Still occurring..

And now they're back.  What the heck?

My character just lost 2000 hit points for some reason.  I didn't change my deck or anything.  What happened?

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If the tower is PvP why am I being matched with opponents who have much higher hit points than me?  I have 1625 hit points but all of my tower opponents have 2875.  It is very easy for them to beat me.  Please make it fair.  Also make the opponents on the lower floors weaker.

When I advance to a higher floor I always have to select fight and when I do the next screen does not allow me to proceed.  I have to refresh the game.

It is extremely difficult to move gems diagonally.  Please make it easier to do this.