Thanks for playing! Sorry for the delayed response. Your reaction of seeing how to submit the locked room solution was quite enjoyable.
This is kind of off-topic, the idea of a killer simulator is something that's been constantly on my mind; it's just that it's tricky to come up with a consistent implementation. Not in terms of the actual gameplay but a satisfactory game loop itself -- if you make a hypothetical game where you're the killer, to keep it fresh, you need to introduce a kind of randomization/roguelike component to it. And I've been racking my brain for years now trying to figure out how to do it in a way where the randomization components are not obvious after the first few attempts. Do too much randomization, though, and it becomes an implementation mess.
Still thinking of it. I'll get it someday, I'm sure. Eventually.
When it comes to the remote kill, the idea is that Nanjo had pulled on the string so hard when bursting through the door after being shot that it was pulled from the opposite room out in the hallway. It was a small-caliber gun, though, hence why it was less noticeable.
Anyhow, thanks for playing again!