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Thanks for the feedback! I kinda designed the game to be difficult on purpose, but I agree that there could definitely be more polish. I also agree that some more mechanics would add a lot, but of course I only had so much time, and my main priority was on the mechanics that were in the game. Anyway, thanks for the comment and rating! I'll be sure to play and rate your game as soon as I get the chance :)


Okay, so I put on my big boy pants, decided to git gud, output less QQ more more TT (tomb tomb).


Level 5. Oh mate :) The sadism was real.

Then level 6. From an initial 'F this', I through sheer bloody-mindedness worked my way through it. 51 deaths (after a couple of restarts). That was an experience. I feel like I've been violated somehow, but it was pretty fun. Good job.


Omg. I think you’re the first one to beat level 6! I watched someone try to beat it for like 2 hours on stream but they still couldn’t beat it. Heck, I didn’t even beat it before releasing the game! (Although I didn’t really try). Anyway good job! I feel like you deserve an award or something lol


Hahaha, thanks. Funny you should say that, around halfway through my attempts on level 6 I thought I should be due a cash reward. Then after a while it suddenly clicked and I got into a weird flow where I didn't drop gravestones on my gravestones or drop them onto the bullet spawners.

I'm sure there's a market for this game. I'm also rather happy my old ass can still handle this sort of twitch gameplay lol.