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Heck yeah, I LOVED this game.  I really dig the mechanics on it.  The music was a _bit_ repetitive.  Just need a slightly longer loop probably.  I'd love to see this game made longer.  When I cleared the 4th(?) board I just went to my right and died and the game just stopped.  Was that a crash or was that they way the game ends at the moment?

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback! Really good to hear you enjoyed it.

I very well understand your comment about the music. It would have been nice to have longer track or even multiple different songs but I had to also do programming + level design which were higher priority. That's what I managed to do with the time I used for the background music. I'm just glad that there is at least some music! But if I were to continue working with the game later, music would obviously be one thing that needs more content.

The game only has 4 actual levels. That's the amount of level I had time to design and test. The fifth area was meant for "narrative" closure of the game: the death of the character which is represented by the screen going black. So that's how the game currently ends but I can see why people would be confused about it. I think someone else also commented earlier that they thought it to be a crash.