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Tangential Cold Studios

A member registered Oct 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Fun game.  I liked the navigation and ants.  I don't believe there was any collision detection for the insects in my game.  Still, great submission.  Well done.

The art work made me laugh.    Shaking the trees and doing some decorating was fun.  Dig the hard-hat.  

Nice game!  Great submission.  The puzzles were pretty clever.  Well done.

I grabbed the dotnet runtimes from MS, and the game loaded up and said 'New Game' but clicking or hitting enter didn't do anything.    I'm bummed because the game images look like game-boy style which is pretty cool.

I'm not sure I understood what was going on here. 

Difficult game but pretty fun.  Didn't know what flipped the colors but once I was told it was the mouse I made some decent progress.  Fun game.  Congrats on the submission.

You made my day.,

The lack of music was an issue on my end.   Your build was fine.  

Ah, I didn't see the WebGL build link.  I was able to find it now.  Thanks.

Interesting interface.  And there was some nice SFX when laying down track.  It could do with some music and more sfx.  Lots of train sounds out there.  A few particle emitters for steam puffing would be a nice touch too.  This has the makings of a good start. I hope you continue with it.

The story line is amusing.  And the SFX were pretty good.  But far and away the selling point of this is the artwork.  I love this aesthetic.  And I saw the office scene with some square holding a cup of coffee it was perfect.  And the rose on the table.  *chef's kiss*.  

Cut platformer.  Not sure how it fits the theme exactly.    So for the first level I was dropped on a reset box so I guess I had to move just to get the game going, but that worked fine.  I was able to complete the levels.   I liked the coin SFX, but it'd be nice to have some music going at the same time.  The controls were fine for me.  

The first time I saw a guard re-armor himself was really neat.  Nice enemy logic.  I also agree with some others, some music and SFX would really elevate this game.

heh.  Kind of a funny game.  A bit of a challenge but I was able to get the controls down and get my dino across.  

(1 edit)

Nice card game.   I liked the art style.  Music was nice.  SFX were good too.  It'd be nice if the ship stats were visible all the time instead of only when putting a card in play.    Oh, and I got into a stale-mate once and couldn't figure out how to get out so I had to re-load the screen.

So is there no built project?  I'm reading the instructions and it looks like you download and then open it in Unity, right?

10/10 for those SFX.  Holy crap I was laughing out loud.  Spouse came from the other room to check on the dog.

I kind of dug the music.  Would have been nice to have some instructions on what I was doing.  Also some SFX would have been nice for the transitions.  I thought a lot of the animation was smooth.

Holy smokes.  I was NOT expecting that soundtrack to kick in like that.

Whoa.  This is a PRETTY looking game.  These assets are amazing and are brought together to make a really beautiful environment.  I did get some weird camera clipping issues where suddenly I couldn't see my character as the camera was on the other side of some wall.  Definitely a game to build off of.

Funny game.  I was kind of miffed when I died at first.  Not sure how it was for others, but the mouse-camera movement was super sensitive.  I had to keep my mouse movements to a minimum to play it.

I'm not sure how this game really goes with the jam theme.  however, it's really one of my favorites to play in the jam.  I laughed so much playing this.  The camera work is perfect.  the music selection is good.  The controls are simple and I think you could really expand this game out if you wanted to.  Well done.

Moved the blocks to jump off of and for some reason I could jump on the blocks but would just walk off the blocks and plummet.  Never could get it to jump off of the moved block.  I did like the music.  Does the game support a controller?  I bet it's easier to play if I could press diagonally instead of trying to do a mix of 'ds' and other wasd keys.  

Fun game.  At first I thought it was pretty difficult but those upgrades made it go from hard to almost too easy.  The curve probably needs to be a bit steeper.  But I dug the music and the art style.  And it was very satisfying having a powerful machine-gun fire-ball going.

Super thumbs up on the menu art!  Is there a way to actually win?  I think I sent everyone to heaven and still got "You have sent 6 people to hell by mistake".  The art visuals match the music.  The game is pretty fun.  It could even be longer.

Heck yeah, I LOVED this game.  I really dig the mechanics on it.  The music was a _bit_ repetitive.  Just need a slightly longer loop probably.  I'd love to see this game made longer.  When I cleared the 4th(?) board I just went to my right and died and the game just stopped.  Was that a crash or was that they way the game ends at the moment?

Fun platformer.  A bit floaty but I think that's intentional given the powerups.  I did find myself sticking to 'walls' a bit.  Also, is there supposed to be sound?  For some reason I had an option to mute or not in the unity player but I didn't hear any noises.  Some music and jumping SFX would be a nice addition.

Aesthetics are really nice.  I also ran into some game-play bugs.   Who doesn't like obelisks!?  I'd love to see this game get patched and polished a bit.  Oh, and some audio added.  

whoa, hard one.  Took me a bit just to figure out the mechanic of jumping short and long distances.    I like this concept a lot.  A meter of sometype to show how much power you were putting into a jump might be nice.  I don't think that that would necessarily make it too easy.  I did like the sound in there too.  Nicely done.

Fun defense game. What happens as they attack my tombstones?  I let them do that and I was able to come at them from behind to avoid damage.  I liked the music a lot.  It would have been nice to have some SFX.  Especially as feedback of when you die or something.  

10/10 splatter sound!  

Controls were responsive and I really liked the music and the SFX.  They matched the vibe really well.

I definitely recommend people go full-screen with this one  I ran into some UI element issues until I went full screen (image below).  I couldn't hit 'restart' until I went full screen.

Nice delivery.  Difficult game.  I see you already have some feedback on the controls so I won't talk about those.  I see you used Mixamo.  I've wanted to play around a bit with that myself.  Might give that a shot next time.  At any rate, nice game!

heh.  Not sure if this matches the jam theme but it was fun running around in that environment.  On a serious note, are the cubes killable?  I think I put 100+ rounds into one and it was just relentless.  At one point I just ran for it so I could see the rest of the environment.  I liked the music too.  That was nice.

Nicely delivered.  Sound and music were nice matched to the atmosphere of the game.  I liked the mechanic a bunch.  Honestly, I hope you continue to polish this one up.

Adorable game!  Super chill vibe.  Also, voice acting!  Nice addition.  Minor glitch in the music loop because there is silence either at the beginning or the end.  I wasn't quite able to tell.

That was kind of wild.  I really appreciate the control with the mouse scroll wheel.  Once I had that going it got a lot more intuitive.  I like the music and that Ba-Hoo! sound.  Might have been nice to have been audio feedback on the souls that burn up or make it.  Nicely done.

Not sure what to comment here because I'm not sure what I just saw.  

Solo game jam?  Wow.  impressive. Also, I dig the mechanic.  Once I got in the flow of things I was able to line up my shots and it went a lot better.  Nice music choice.