Sorry, this game does not support character customisation. The protagonist's look will change, towards the end, if the player makes specific game choices.
That sounds kinda cool, too - since it makes those choices even more meaningful. I think your system of also hinting on how which choices affect which stats/traits really helps with that.
It would be nice if "feminine" and "masculine" were not explicitly bound to appearance though - since I have made the experience, that "rough looking" guys can still be extremely sensitive and have quite a few "feminine" qualities, too.
And, after all, pain-resistence is one of those (if women had the pain tolerance of men, they might die a lot more often from child-birth or at least faint during it from the pain and require c-sections because of it to bear their children) - even though it's often falsely attributed to "hard men" (which is bs, of course).
So, since stories always enforce or challenge/inspire certain concepts in those listening/reading/playing through them, it would be really quite awesome to have this reality-based complexity in human personalities somehow represented. Especially since your dystopian, post-apocalyptic environment seems quite plausible and realistic, too.
I'm gonna be curious to see where you're gonna take this beautifully rendered (love the atmosphere) and intricately thought-through gameplay of your piece of art.
Very intriguing really - especially seeing so many diverse characters, too. Yet, we humans are also diverse within each ourselves - which is making Life more exciting on the one hand, but sometimes also more exhausting and even devastating since too many seem to try and conform to what they think is "expected" of them and not grow to dissolve their own "inconsistencies" within themselves and appease this inner war between head/mind and heart/emotions by understanding that emotions are a "biological feedback projection" for our own values, expectations and needs.
Cheers and looking forward to the next/first chapter (after the enticing Prologue)
The physical modification changes are independent of the fem/masc scores. Players can be high in both fem and masc scores, though it will be at the expense of the other stats - If the player chooses to role play instead of optimizing. Chapter 1 will reveal more of the game design, thanks for playing!