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This has an open world feel to it, it's a nice concept that can be expanded upon.

Some random thoughts:

  • In the main menu, the options are slightly hard to read. Perhaps a semi-transparent box would help to make them stand out.
  • The upper comment probably is related to the scaling. I play in a 4k screen, and all text looks minuscule here.
  • I like that you start in the control screen, instead of the main menu one :D.
  • The animations of the cats are nice, as well as the transformation.
  • Hehehe, 5 lives? What happened to the 6th and 7th ones? :D
  • It would be helpful to have a pause menu with the option to re-read the story and go back to the main menu.
  • I really like how the different people in the world are going about their day, moving and seemingly doing things.
  • I'm not sure if it's my system, but I didn't hear any sound or music at all.
  • After getting the target soul, clicking on "main menu" or "quit" doesn't do anything.

Nice job! Keep at it!


I tried to give it an open world concept as I love a lot of intractions. Honestly I blame skyrim for that desire xD

I do plan on expanding on this once the jam is over, putting things in that I just ran out of time for like doors and the like. 

Thank you soooo much for all the suggestions! I did run out of time for some things like the options being poorly colored but I always forget about scaling when it comes to resolution sizes as that is not really an easy thing for me to test. (and missed opportunities with the health)

And sound was downloaded but time unpermitted. Lots of things to do for this project and lots of great input!

Thanks again!