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Improvements: I haven’t made it to the puzzle room. But I liked the intro cutscene. I did find that the first time I was reading the text in the cutscene I read it and after the cutscene I didn’t remember what I had read… Yeah, I’m not a big fan of text that shows for a certain amount of time and has to be read while it’s still on screen.

Fun: I found the boss fight somewhat confusing, but I liked the platforming and exploring. I also like the art and music.

90’s: I haven’t played N64 games myself, but it looked to me like it could be one. Low-resolution textures (I think I even saw the same textures with multiple palettes). And I saw different places in the game use the same assets, like branches, doors and repeated enemies like toothworms and those small red beetles. And the use of text rather than voice acting but sometimes with short bit of audio that are used for several pieces of text. I have played a PC game that did some of those things although that one was from the early 2000s and had somewhat higher texture resolutions.

Fonts: The font in the intro cutscene is easy to read yet manages to also help setting the tone so that before the animations start I feel like it’s going to be in the middle ages. And both that and the fonts that are used in other parts of the game look like they could work in a game from the nineties.

And if you’re wondering, the reason I decided to write about fonts in every game I review from this jam was because one game had some unreadable text and I think another one had another issue and then I added this category to all the written reviews.