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The teleport stones are a long time coming, I just think you could have a few improvements on your castle chambers to make it a better hub. 

I would like if you put a teleport stone there, for more convenient fast travel;

and instead of having the guard beside your door tell you about the city board, allow us to access board through him so then there's no need to walk outside. And allow us to see what quests we already completed when we select the ripped note;

And most important... Let us hook up with maid louise in the treasure room. It has to be done.

this person is going places.

^^ about the teleport situation my go to solution is port stone to begus infront of the portal so basicly no effort to work around that but creating an new object where you could have been positioned causes bugs that needed to be fixed in the process and there is not even space it conviniently could fit after all that folks moveing in, i mean i wouldnt mind a teleport stone that accesses the portal map instantly but still... grant King Saotome some slack every update makes the task even bigger that the progression of the main quest provides and its already          ( even if i would love to see it happen ) that much that i understand if its never gonna happen. 

Still he´s not even demanding anyone to pay after 6 years of work.

Much love.