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A member registered Oct 10, 2021

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There's such a deep-rooted fear in coming back to this game. Last time I was here it took 57 hours to beat the game in full (that far). This was three years ago. How many extra hours must've been added?

Mf is a genius,  He just keeps changing the name of the project so then no one knows if they own it already  and buy again

wow just wandering around itchio and I meet paths with rnot from newgrounds, what are the odds.

Bojack Horseman shamelessly stealing from Extra Life five year before

The hard part is trying to remember the names of more than 100 characters xD

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What a mood.

I boot it up to see some new content and all there's to see is 18 year old Chiaki. I was really charmed with this subplot of rescuing a little girl from her yakuza brother that is probably doing terrible things to her as "underground fundraising". Now that she's an adult, there's this malicious understanding that "oh, this whole quest is just so I can sleep with her". Kind of a mood, ngl. Still a good game though, but it's too little for a three month update schedule 

Besides, the chiaki thing leaves too many dialogue inconsistencies and that subplot straight up doesn't make sense anymore, Kimochi has no motivation to help since she's not his type

I'm pretty convinced it has something to do with gangbanging the idol while Preppy is at the dance floor. Get permission to see Takano, she'll tell you to go breed the idol, but then you start Preppy's quest, and do it all until she gets to the dance floor, then breed the idol before her eyes. I didn't tried it, but that's my wild guess.

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You can play on Android by downloading joiplay, app on Google apps. Download both the app and rpg maker plugin

Amazing how the girls with the best scenes have the saddest endings. It's one of the most subtle messages against degeneracy I've ever seen, it's genius.

The teleport stones are a long time coming, I just think you could have a few improvements on your castle chambers to make it a better hub. 

I would like if you put a teleport stone there, for more convenient fast travel;

and instead of having the guard beside your door tell you about the city board, allow us to access board through him so then there's no need to walk outside. And allow us to see what quests we already completed when we select the ripped note;

And most important... Let us hook up with maid louise in the treasure room. It has to be done.

Ryen: Wanna get married?

Vampire: ... What will this ring change for us?

Ryen: Literally nothing.

Vampire: then I do.

I loved it

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You know when TV shows reference videogames, and one character uses weird over-the-top lenguage that makes the game look stupid and convoluted? 

That's what Franken is.

And here was I thinking I wouldn't play an RPG better than YIIK this year.

I think Trey has Transexual energy, there's a whole quest about it too, I don't know why 


I see there is a day counter and day of the week system. Does that mean the game will end within a certain time frame like Harvest Moon? I just want to know that, because I normally want to relax while playing a managing game and thinking that I might run out of time is stressing me out.

I really think marriage should be some kind of endgame shit, not just something you throw around for monthly update .

I've noticed that the happiness number doesn't go up even after all the sex scenes added ever since the variable's inclusion. I think when you decide to fix that, dev, I think a special quest for having 100 happiness should be unlocked or at the very least a special harem scene, it would be cool.

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I lowkey got every single girl in the castle, let alone all women in the kingdom pregnant. Marrying one in particular is just a dick move.

Ps: can we PLEASE remove the futa away from our bed. I'm sleeping in the inn because I'm afraid she might have some ideas when I do be sleeping 

It seems we are slowly shifting to a good and a bad path for country relationships.

 I really just wanted to go to war with Dorgonia because they don't want to solve the slavery problems. 

I helped Amagal too much to go to war with them at this point. So is begus.

Most quests of the good path end with the right person taking control over the country, like Chiyo's sister and the queen of begus taking the power away from the church.

I think it would be great to add a vanguard battle where we defeat the demon lord in Begus to conclude that side story with the Queen taking control of her kingdom, making an alliance with Central for life.

Also, I would like to see how your party members react to you going to war against their home kingdom. I don't think chiyo would be okay with you trying to overtake and kill her sister. Nor do I think Sandra would let you just make war orphans just for power. If the game was dinamic as to make party members abandon you based on your choices it would be amazing. Imagine ultimate evil path where there's no friends in your chambers other than the maids, and your prison is stacked with women who wronged you

Me and the boys at our day off suffering from severe gender dysphoria.

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And so it is Christmas once again

The Virgin FNAF security breach Beta release vs The Chad Renryuu Ascension Christmas update.

My day has been made.

I think war system could be exclusive to an evil route of sorts. If you go to war with countries you're actively helping it wouldn't make sense. Like, once Varea gets the throne you and Amagal will be allies for life, you shouldn't be able to go to war with them, it would be weird to slap a war system in this already established foundation you got going.

if you want a hint, don't take evil paths, they just take away stuff that you could do in gameplay.

you're absolutely right. Again, she's not bad. It's just surprising to see her taking the cake, but I think you managed to Phoenix Wright it for me.

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So a week ago I made a poll asking who was best girl/man. Pretty much everyone who visits for updates regularly voted (about 60 people). I did it this as a way to help the dev in a way, because I honestly liked the game. Like, even if nobody told me it was NSFW I would still play it, just for the gameplay. Well here it is. (Spoilers btw).

11. Elly

I kinda forsaw this one coming, but I didn't expected to go as low as to be under the two guys in the main group. Elly isn't much of a character. The main appeal of like building up romance stories is getting to know the characters. Elly doesn't have a character. She has a character trait and a personality trait, but nothing more. She likes drinking a lot, but there's no deeper meaning behind it. She's a gunslinger, but both her character design and personality doesn't really connect with that. She has no story to tell in her  quests, she's just trying to hookup with Rim for no good reason. Even to progress in her quests you have to completely sidetrack to the Begus queen storyline, which has nothing to do with Elly because she has no relation to Begus. Well, you get the point. If I were to redesign her, I would give her a nice fur mantle and a dress where she hides her Rifle like Ada, idk just throwing ideas; things that fit with the gunslinger/hunter archetype. I hope she gets redesigned in the future because I really want to like her.

10. Trey

There's nothing to say about Trey. He's merely an archetype. He has two missions in the game, one where he is a Paladin, and another that he helps solving the attempt of assassination. For the second party member you meet, I kind of expecting more, considering how good Tsubaki is as your first companion. He just needs a treatment like Brad, like a quest where we find out more about him, he's family, he's greater goals and such. It would really work for him.

9. Brad

My boy is surprisingly low on the list. Well, can't say I didn't expected it. Despite being low, I really think Brad is really well made. He isn't an afterthought, even though is very easy to miss him the first time you play the game. I like the aspect of a once slave now on his way to destroy the system through politics and revolution. His fight quests to become a martial artists are really fun and unique, But above all else, Female Brad is best girl, and I don't even need more than an Image to prove that. (btw I also think it's hillarious how the only slave to succesively escape is the white guy lol)

8. Ryoko

Here is a good point to introduce something that exists in pretty much any RPG, which is favoritism towards a useful character in battle. I don't know if people use her in fights that much, because of the strange way her skills work, but I do appreciate the dev for spicing the gameplay by not just creating different ways of fighting, but also characters with whole new functions and ways to play every character. I think her personality is not bad, and her character arc is really good, it's just that most others are so much better actually. The bored, Raven-type character is not really used to the fullest, and I think more world interactions for her would do her much good.

7. Mira

Surprisingly low in my opinion. If it wasn't for Vampire, Mira's quests would take the cake for most constant. I like the perspective of the girl trying her absolute best and still not quite getting it, constantly making mistakes and such. What she lacks is a stronger personality, but that is not really an issue. Everyone has their type, and to her dismay we degenerates like strong women stepping on us. Outside of that, I like a friendly attitude and her Cgs are the top of the chart. Also, it's amazing that we never got her on a nun outfit.

6. Mirel

Hoo boy, people do like themselves some elf. I think Mirel is just a more stronger version of Mira, but that doesn't really makes her that charming. In my opinion she's very passive in the story, even during the racism storyline I feel like Ryen is doing all the work while she's the supposed ambassador or so. On a positive note, the romance with her feels very natural and the small redesign made her a favor. I think it flows way better than Mira's just because she's more assertive, and knows how to seek what she wants. I honestly expected no one else to be at the middle of the list, it's only up from here.

5. Sandra

She's such a queen. Honestly, her quest is not even like romance, she just feels like the protagonist of another story. I like how she straight up lies to get in your party, damaging your relation with Begus. The best part is that is how honestly useful she feels; she opens doors for you, she opens chests for you, and I think the tomboy attitude fits perfectly with the greedy thief archetype. But no, it doesn't stop at that. Her last few missions make a better dive at her character, as she tries to be a better person and give back from where she took. Her last quest is simultaniously the most irritating, interesting, and the best one. I just hate the resident evil mansion stuff, but self-interpretation is a good way of storytelling, especially when you're trying to redeem a character. Just very solid stuff in general, although very complicated to complete. If it wasn't for the next one on the list, I feel like she would have more of a spotlight.

4. Kayelinth

I never thought the child character would be the one so high up on the list, but it's easy to see why. Ryen having to explain so much to her as she both stumbles around the world and in her own quests, it's just so wholesome, and it never reached a point where it was annoying either. Like, there is not even much to say, she's really fun, all her quests are good, she has the greater presence and has a very strong impression and personality, just from taking part in most other character's quests. Truly a lovable character.

3. Tsubaki

the number 4, 3 and 2 have something in common. That is, strong personality and a presence in the story. Tsubaki is the first person that you see when you start the game, and she pretty much carries it out for you. If her personality wasn't so naughtly perfect, the opening would not be as good, and neither the rest of the game for that matter. That sense of familiarity is very well exploited in the stories, as most others look up to her and she's usually the one to get shit started. Like, this is one of the best big sister characters I've ever seen. The dev gets all the kudos for making the best friend character so lovable.

2. Vampire

Chaotic Neutral Tsundere. Like, there's nothing more to say, most already buy it from there. And let me tell you, there's nothing better than seeing this brat, who constantly nags on everyone, become a more open and caring person as the story unfolds. That's is, like I said, thanks to a great personality and a presence in dialogue. And I must say, her quests involve so much grind for stuff and teasing that finally sleeping with her feels like the greatest achievement in the world. I honestly love her design, and I wished we got to see it when we first meet her. For some reason we don't get their full body cgs when we first meet. I only know certain characters by looking at them in the Skilltree, and that is Vampire for instance. If it weren't for a bizarre anomaly, she would be best girl, but as you can see, there's one left.

1. Chiyo

This is the most mysterious pick imaginable. She was leading from day one by a landslide. Even now, she wins Vampire by 7%. I absolutely don't understand this particular pick, but I'm not saying she's bad. Chiyo just feels a bit disconnected from the story, even when dealing in Amagal. I do always use her because of the good AOE, but I don't see why she's best girl. So I'll leave this open for the overwhealming 35% who voted her to tell me: Why made you all vote her so consistenly? I have to admit, her CGs aren't bad, in fact she's the cutest one in the party with that soft pink hair, but I fail to grasp further resoning. So please, let me know.

Anyway, this is it. I see that NNN has made me think way more critically of this game now that I'm containing myself, and even so is not the least bad. There's too much content scattered around here and there but none of it's bad, so I cannot complain. I didn't added Ryen as an option because of the Naruto thing, If you put the main protagonist in some poll, chances are, he's going to win regardless of what it is about. I love that his personality fits with both a good guy and a complete degenerate. This game is just well written, and that's what really matter regardless of the rest.

If you have a side character to mention, feel free to do so, and thank you again dev. I know single development is hard, and I hope this game continues to expand. If anyone wants to add resoning on why a character is better, or just completely roast me, feel free to do so as well. Love you all.

You made the graveyard location too, right? I think there's a nice little story to be told here.

the more active part of the fanbase already voted. Once this post completes a week, the poll will be cut and I'll set the rankings for you to discuss. I'll also try to understand the votes and come with an explanation for the rankings in order to see what the dev does best and where he slacks. Until then, good work and thank you for a consistent update schedule.

There are a few characters already set for vanguard roles. Mia, the centaur lady, Adrienne maybe. But there's really no point in focusing on vanguard now. There's only three important fights to do in vanguard fights. The vanguard update should be released with new storylines or maybe the war update.

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Or man, idk just be honest I guess. Feel free to explain your picks if you want to.

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my current speedrun time is 34:32:44 for 100%

And for 98happiness% is 29:51:11.

Of course, this is the second playthrough time, I can do a lot better. Challenger floor and hellhound village just take too much time.

"You can't be a baker without any cake."

                                                    -sun tzu

Come on guys, we still haven't got a tall queen in the game.

Daring today, aren't we?

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Renryuu Ascension."

Wake up, Babe.

Renryuu got updated.

Btw, what are the files that I need to copy/paste into this version to keep my save file?

I've rescued Jenny from the frontier post using Kurohime, slept with her, but now it feels like the script is broken. Flaire only says she's thankful for Jenny being safe, and doesn't start the second assault at the assassin's guild. I speak to Nori and Moriko but I simply cannot unlock their good scenes. Does anyone knows about this? I just need this to 100% the game.