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It's rather good at setting a grim tone, but I don't see how it relates to the theme. Also, moving from screen to screen seems a bit buggy; I can get to the guy who knows where the key to the church is by moving down from the bar as well as up.

Thanks for the feedback. It was supposed to relate to the theme metaphorically, originally I intended to have more player choice in how you reach the end, where  "pick your poison" would mean choosing between the church, the state, and self-annihilation, but that was too much work for me right now, as I've been pretty busy so I just winged it. 

As for the bug you mentioned, I am aware that the interior screen transitions are buggy (flickering, etc.), but the looping is intentional, I think to really sell it though I need to add some sort of animation, or effects or something to inform the player that it isn't a bug but a feature.