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FEATURE REQUEST: Ambient Occlusion texture. Right now you have to either bake the AO into the diffuse/albedo or do a bit of finagling in order to get the AO to bake out onto it's own texture. Being able to have the AO it's own texture would be great for making ARM/MRA maps. Having AO outside of the diffuse/albedo can be useful in PBR pipelines for controlling light. Is something like this possible?

(1 edit)

Mhh, I don't know. 

I mean for the time being you can bake the black and white AO to the Base Color Channel and show only this channel, for export the AO image.

I know this are extra steps but currently I need to focus on a few other features.


Yeah I know you can do it this way it's just more steps. Hopefully you'll find time to do it though. UB Painter is a great tool.