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So the press to continue works again, you won't instalty pass on to the first page in the next manuscript when you reach the last page in the previous.

The logic is comming together, changed the type of some scriptvariables to be int instead of bools, that mean that a object that can only be in one state, in room, carried, locker, worn. Only have one parameter and one name and i check towards the value, this decreased the levels of checks needed to be done. Now if something should not be in the locker, i just need to check that, without also checking if its not in the room, not being carried, not being worn. The problem is that the numbers are not clear. Fortunatly I added the possibility to comment my scripts so I can list the states needed so i can cross referense the numbers with the intended statename. I have considered implementing [const] values essentially declaring them in one place [worn] = 2 and later in script just be able to reference [worn]
But that would require more changes to the engine and I am not there yes.

Also I am going to properly push all code to github, I have forgotten about that, and it would be a damn shame to loose all the code up to this point.

Also I am going to properly push all code to github, I have forgotten about that, and it would be a damn shame to loose all the code up to this point.

Be careful about that. I suppose it is not considered a "public release of the game"  if you upload only the code  to a public GIT, but ask organization before! 

All that things sound exciting and itriguing. I will for sure check also the code if available some time @.@

Git allows a free amount of private repositories these days, so only people invited would have access at this point.

This is more to allow me to be able to back changes or test thing in a different branch and return to the previous state if things doesnt work out as intended. So its in no way a public release. :)


At work we use TFS for Visual Studio projects, and sometimes paying Git Lab things.

Many, many time ago I tried GitHub but it only was free for public projects (or at least I didn't found other way), so it doesn't fit for me at that moment and I didn't return there again.

That's a very good idea and professional approach ^.^