Hi! Thanks for all the warm messages. You folks are awesomely supportive!
Ludum Dare 34
Pixel-boy, Bilou and I took part in Ludum Dare with help from our friends Alexis and Romain, using the Superpowers Game engine.
The result is Snow World, a 2-button tactical RPG, for 1-2 players!
Several other Superpowers games were made for Ludum Dare. I've started putting together a collection of Superpowers games on itch.io, but there are more hosted elsewhere, too. Feel free to post your own in this thread!
Progress on open sourcing
We've created the future open source repositories on GitHub for January 7. You can star them already, if you're into that
Community has been a big deal for us for a loooong time. CraftStudio (Superpowers's ancestor) has had a community chat in the app from the beginning and it's made many collaborations and friendships possible and we've been missing it in Superpowers. I've posted rough launcher redesign mockups on Trello to fix that and various other things. Hopefully we can get a first pass done in time for the open source release.
We've fixed several bugs and improved the user experience of some editors (script, font, shader, behavior component) during and after Ludum Dare :) Jams are great for finding and fixing papercuts!
Oh and Pixel-boy will be working on an animated trailer, so get hyped for that!!
Using Superpowers to put slideshows together, together
Every week we do a livestream to share our work (in French! if there's enough demand, we might start one in English next year...). We used to prepare slides as a static website each time but it took a while and it wasn't easy to collaborate on it so we gave it up.
Now that Superpowers is mature enough, we've built MarkSlide, a new system that lets you write Markdown slideshows collaboratively. It saves so much time and now we can all pitch in! \:D/
It's just one of the many uses we're hoping will emerge around Superpowers, it makes me very excited for the future ^_^