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Definitely love the look of this game! Which version of RPG Maker did you use? Did you use a Tactical Battle System plugin or make it from scratch?

Glad you love the look! I used RPG Maker MV, using the SRPG Engine plugin.


Thanks for the reply! I've never used MV before (but I've owned it forever). Did you use *just* the core plugins or did you use all the extensions listed in that post? Sorry for all the questions, but I'm *seriously* interested in trying my hand at a tactics RPG soon and the more info I have the better. Thanks again!

I used several extensions, like Shoukhang's Summon plugin for example in order to create the Lich's Necromancy magic. I'd recommend taking a look through them and seeing if they're gonna help you make the kind of SRPG you wanna make. Most of them adds new features that could change the game's mechanics and flow in a huge way.

Good luck in making your game, and feel free to ask me more questions!