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Hello! I think the game came out really cool! I can tell you & your team put a lot of hard work into it. I'd love to share a few thoughts :)

Overall Thoughts:
-I found it quite easy to play and didn't mind at all. The game does get repetitive the longer it goes on, but it's a short game with a specific purpose. I would reccomend adding more mechanics the further the game goes if you're planning to expand this.
-It's a polished pixel-art style and everything is quite clear what it's supposed to be.
-I'm a little lost on the concept. Is it a grocery store? A fast food place? It doesn't make sense for the former to sort items (at least to me) into different bags, but if it's a fast food place it doesn't make sense to order some of the grocery store items (such as Nutella, etc).
-I think it might be a fun twist to make the "store" items make less and less sense as the game goes on to add interest. For example, maybe all of the food at first is fast food, then grocery items with fast food, then auto parts mixed in, then a duck, etc. I think since the game tone is cheery & simple, something like that might help add a bit of humour and interest since the visuals don't really change.

Some Thoughts On The Gameplay:
-I totally missed the Tutorial Post It Note the first time I played and was confused as to what went where. It also took me a bit to realize I could click and drag the Start Punch Card, even after reading the game details/description. Maybe adding a bright highlight around items that can be clicked will make it a bit more clear in the first menu.
-The mechanics are otherwise clever & easy to pick up with a little help from the tutorial explaining it was colour based, not item based.
-The "Quit" punch card doesn't do anything, not sure if that was intentional as I did play the browser version, not the download version.
-From the game description I assumed "working overtime" was a mechanic, but I couldn't really see any passage of time or indication of the shift being over, perhaps I didn't play enough rounds? I did find it harder to play longer because it was a bit too much of the same for my attention span, sorry about that.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions or feedback on how I could improve my suggestions.