excellent game! so so fun. i'm gonna be replaying this for a while i think x)
bit of critique:
like PandasFly mentioned below, knowing how much damage enemies are going to do would be very very helpful with this kind of game. at it's core, this game is about strategy, and strategizing how to take the least amount of damage would add just a bit more thought into a player's turn.
in Backpack Hero, a similarly strategic game, you can clearly see how much damage an enemy is going to do and how much they will block for. this changes the way you approach your turn. do you deal the most damage you can, to help your next turn? or, do you block as much as you can to take less damage? i believe this kind of system would be perfect for Die in the Dungeon.
another bit of critique, a much smaller one: when i played this for the first time, i didn't immediately see where the button to end my turn was. it has a similar style and colour to the 'board' so it blended in. it didn't take long at all to find it, but i think this may be a small teeny problem with clarity?
anyway, good game!! love this a lot.