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>What was the most frustrating moment or aspect?

I died multiple times due to the small space needed for some doors, and in Level 9 I encountered ceilings so low I couldn't proceed. I tried making a bridge of bodies, but ran into a body limit and had issues with figuring out where spikes would actually hit me.

>What was your favorite moment or aspect?

I like the lack of lives. Adding a lives system would make this a rage game for me.

>Was there anything you wanted to do, but couldn't?

I found bone manipulation to be kinda clunky, but otherwise things feel pretty complete.

>If you could change, add, or remove any 1 thing, what would it be?

I would do something about the character's behavior on slopes. The way the character's movement can change on slopes can make him tricky to use. An example: I got stuck in a hole on level 8 and had a tough time getting out because of how the character was sliding on one of his dead bodies. There wasn't actually any way to die in the hole, either, so I'd also nominate a restart button.