Hello, I made an itch.io account only to tell you about this, but as I'm playing absolute garbage 1 remastered (the one vinny played I think), I have encountered multiple softlocks. Spoilers ahead, so please stop reading for the love of god, unless you made the game or something.
So, when you kill the puppet guy, and then immediately re-enter the dark room he was from, you will get a black screen and some cool music and nothing else. I loaded my save after that, I'm not sure if I was just not getting another joke.
The second softlock is located almost immediately after the pyramid blows up. If you encounter the gay elf, you're done for, kiddo. Natsuki and Jones will never in their life be able to face any direction other than the one they were facing when encountering the elf EVER again. This is an EXTREME problem if you're trying to, you know, experience the unavoidable encounter with mettaton that's up next, meaning you can't progress through the game anymore.
I tried fixing this with savefile editors and whatnot, setting flags or something (I have no idea how RPG maker savefiles work), but it was useless. I didn't expect something like that to happen so this meant I had to replay the whole game. Now, lucky for you, your game is fun to play, so it was alright.
I hope you can fix at least the second one. It's pride month, I want to talk to the gay elf as soon as possible.
With love, a fan