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Yeah I know its to late to change. And I won't I just feelt like it might have been a better decission early on.
I just have no idea how to complete this on time at the moment.
I have added so theoretical endings but not sure how the player should get there since they would need so much logic and choices to end up in those situations. I tried to stay away from a "fixed path" mentality and more that you are a bit more free to do things, but it effects overall states and descriptions. 

I think I might have spent to much time on micro actions, where I should add time on major actions, as in,
instead of doing things like "enter data", "review entry" "validate and send", it could simply be the action "work" with textbased feedback. 

I know I should not "cry" over this, it's my firstly full designed more complex text adventure, and I don't think any game designer delivered gold on day one. 

I also look forward to converting part of this system to a graphical system onwards. You got some config settings, and based on those it can parse space quest esq games or early limted computer point and click, where you have a room view but no clear character like Deja Vu and Shadowgate.