I have some questions. Spades and Hearts written "so move the result of the die roll 1 away from the TN".
1. What TN is there? I think it's probably the card number. However, it doesn't seem to be specified in the PDF.
2. If the die and TN are the same, will the result of the die be corrected?
3. Do both dice receive this effect? If the TN is 4 and the 2d6 results are 3 and 5, will the results move to 2 and 5?
4. Is the die maximum is 6? and minimum is 1? TN is 5 and die result is 6, Will the die be 7?
5. What if I have multiple TNs? 1st Customer's TN is 5, 2nd is 3. Result is 4. In this case, for example, is it possible to correct the result 4 to 3 by the effect of the 1st customer and match it with the 2nd TN?