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Interesting idea - shooting poor little crabs! Ha ha.  The gun FX sound didn't quite seem to fit in with the game - it seemed too realistic and violent.

I liked how the controls were very accurate and easy to control with the mouse, but I wasn't sure what to do when I ran out of ammo. It would be nice to have had ammo boxes dropped in or something you could pick up to get more bullets. Also, is there a way to "win"? It seems you just shoot and avoid crabs until you are out of bullets.

Thanks, Originally, the goal of the game was to kill the boss after wave 10 but I didn't have enough time to do it. If you run out of ammo you can reload by pressing the "R" key I liked the idea with ammo boxes and I will probably do it today, I don't know any websites or program to make more "pixel sounds"