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A member registered May 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much, Mat!

Glad you finished!

I tried! I am not very good with guitar hero type games, apparently! I did fine on the platformer part, but I wasn't able to beat the music bit.

But the story was intriguing, and I enjoyed the art. I am just not good with games that require a lot of dexterity. XD

Finally got it to work! I did have to restart a few times too, I think I had bumped my mouse.

I thought the story was very poignant! What a great tale of how kindness and gratefulness can bring a person out of depression. Great character arc.

I enjoyed your pixel art too. Your characters and the walking animation was great. The only thing I didn't care for about the art were the "bouncy" idle animations. I know some like that style, but I just don't think it feels realistic. It also felt a little too lighthearted for the seriousness of the game.

But other than that, I thought it was enjoyable with a meaningful story. Great work!

Thank you. I will try again.

Yeah, there were a few little glitchy things, like the inventory that I was working on the day before the deadline, but I couldn't get all of the kinks out in time. 

Anyway, thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for the high praise!

If you got stuck, I recommend making sure you've had every possible dialog with the cook. That should help you progress, as it unlocks other things.

Thanks for playing!

I saw something black coming into the screen before it went dark. I thought perhaps it was giant spider legs! Glad to know I didn't miss any of the game!

Nice game! The story was fun. I enjoyed having to go retrieve the items and bring them to the correct places.

I really liked the art style. My only comment is about the way the backgrounds and characters were drawn and imported at different scales. It made them not quite cohesive, with the background a bit blurred and the characters very sharp with detail. But the art itself was quite lovely and drawn beautifully.

There were a few minor game issues - layering issue with the graves and a weird moving band of color behind the background, but these didn't keep the game from being playable or fun.

If you are able to upload an HTML version of the game, I think more people would be able to play it.

Overall, great work for this jam!

I'm not sure if the end glitched or if it was supposed to just go black? I wanted to see what would happen next in the story. Creepy!

No worries! I tried it again, and that worked. I actually really liked how you had the small control signs in the game as they were needed. It was a great way to teach gameplay mechanics as the level progressed.
I didn't make it too far because I am not good at platformers. I kept dying on the second level screen. Wish I could have gotten farther, but at any rate, it's a cute little game. I would suggest that maybe you have the music loop instead of just playing it once. I noticed if I dallied in one level too long the music ended and it was just quiet.

Anyway, great job overall. I thought the art was really cute too!

Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad you were able to get it to play!

I tried Win 64 version. Is it the up arrow that's supposed to make you dash? Tried that, tried W, tried Enter...I couldn't get past the block where you had to dash and jump over it.

I enjoyed the story! I would have liked a little bit of art to go along with it, even if it were just still images like your cover picture. But you were able to do so much without any art that I have to say it is very well done. The sound effects and music were GREAT. They made it feel immersive and interactive. That was my favorite aspect of this game.

I was a little confused what was happening to the people and would have liked a little explanation on that. When the princess started to go crazy, I was confused. And why did traveling make her fine again? Maybe I'm dense, but I also didn't connect why the songs were the solution to getting home. You could add a little more exposition about that for people like me that don't connect the dots automatically. :)

Overall, really well done.

I tried playing it, but couldn't get dash to work. Any tips so I can try again?

Thank you!

Make sure your browser is not zoomed past 100%. This has been an issue for a few people. If your browser is set to 100% it should work just fine. Let me know if that works for you!

I tried to play the game, but it seemed to glitch in the middle.  After I gave my money to Leo, the screen changed and everything was frozen. Please let me know if you upload a new version - I want to be able to finish it!

Very adorable and hilarious game! I really enjoyed the art, and I LOL'ed multiple times. The music choice was perfect too.

Well done!

Thanks for playing even though you are normally a fan of PNCs. These are kind words, and it’s very reassuring to hear the puzzle difficulty was a good level. We appreciate the feedback!

Thank you so much!

Thanks for the feedback. I think we're going to update the game so you can "USE" exits.

Wow! Wonderful game. Everything was very well done - the art, the writing, the dialog, the voice acting. Both characters were immediately likable, and they made a great duo. Overall, this was a very high-quality play experience. I loved how the story progressed between each "level" of the game. I always love when games involve a good story. It kept it interesting and engaging. The story surprised me by how deep it got.

I only have a few constructive comments. The fighting music didn't really seem to fit the mood or artistic vibe of the game. I liked the sad, ending music.

The only other comment I have is that there were quite a few controls to navigate all at once. Fighting in the air was interesting. It worked though, since I didn't fall while fighting. But I didn't understand the need for 2 attack buttons. I just used K the whole time. I had no problem getting to the end of the game, so perhaps it was on the easy side, but I personally like combat that is simple and a bit "easier."

Overall though, very well done game! This one's a gem.

I'm not very good at 3D games, so I struggled a little with the controls, but I did better than I thought I would. I got a few enemies down. It would have been cool to have some sort of warning when they came close to you from the back or side where you can't see. It was also hard to tell how close I had to be to kill them. Maybe if the target changed color or lit up in some way when you were within range it would be easier to know when to start shooting.

I really enjoyed the cut scene art! Felt a little bit like reading a graphic novel.

Nice game concept. With some music and animation of the fighting, it would really come to life.
I'm not sure if I 100% understand the play, but I did play it twice and it seemed like it was purely luck based. If that's the case (and I didn't just miss something), it might be nice to involve an element or two of player challenge in addition to the luck of the draw.

Really fun concept for a puzzle platformer. I loved how you build the tutorial into the first levels.  Fun character ideas and art too.

I wish I could have gone farther, but I got stuck with the red button that didn't seem to do anything.

What a great complement! The inspiration was a mash up between Machinarium and Wall-E. 🙂

This was fun to play! I saved people and finished the level. The controls were easy and the idea was simple - that's what I like in a game. I liked the concept of the mecha saving people. Nice job!

Great graphcs and sound. I wasn't sure how to fight off the enemies.

Great graphcs and sound. I wasn't sure how to fight off the enemies.

Fun game! I'm not good at these types of shooting games, but I enjoyed it anyway. It reminded me of the mini arcade game inside Stardew Valley. The pixel graphics and retro sound was fun too.

Thank you so much! We were so blessed to have Jael come in last minute to record all the voices!

No worries! I was just letting you know in case you did another revision. :) It didn't hamper my enjoyment of the story.

I love story games! Well done. This one was interesting and very unique. I did notice a few verb tense consistency issues. If you revise it, you could fix those.
Overall, nice storytelling. :)

Great game! I thought it might be too hard, but it was actually very playable. I loved the puzzle strategy element. And great retro pixel art and old school music. Love that touch!

I tried to play it, but didn't really understand how. Some instructions would be nice. I tried clicking everywhere, but all I could do was stop the people for a little bit. I had no idea what controls would help me fix the bridge.

Nice job! I would call this more of a visual novel or a choose your own adventure novel than an adventure game. But I love games with a good narrative.

I really enjoyed the animation and the music. You achieved such an eerie vibe! And I liked the story - my only complaint is that during the dialog parts it was difficult to differentiate which character was speaking. If you changed the text font, color, or alignment for the different speakers, that might help visually.

Also, only one of the characters was an option to pick when I played it. I think maybe you just haven't created the others yet, though?

I was also impressed at how lengthy a game you were able to create in the short time. Great work!

Thank you so much for the kind words!

Thanks so much! That was the goal.

Interesting concept. I couldn't get any of the cards to do anything. Sometimes the scrolling got "stuck" or didn't work. But I never died, I think maybe it could be more challenging?

Cute idea, though, mixing bots with a garden.