Man, it's finally good to play this after watching the progress.
What I liked
- The knockback distance feels hilariously fun. I sometimes expected to hit a wall and get a bounce effect.
- The wall sliding and edge climbing looked and felt fun.
- I really liked how the music fit with the visuals.
- Difficulty felt pretty balanced.
- I'm always a fan of being able to play with my controller.
Improvements/Suggestions/General Feedback
- We've talked about player feedback before so, one thing that comes to mind is enemy deaths. I gave it some experimentation, and it looks likes there's supposed to be a death effect on enemies, but it looks like it will only play if they die in a specific state. If that were fixed, I wouldn't feel like enemy deaths sounds need to implemented, at least for your standard enemies. I do think there needs to be a death sounds for the big boys though. As a player, if I take down something huge, I want to feel the success.
- Also player feedback related - dashing. I feel you could go two ways with it. Either implement a dashing sound or add an air distortion effect around the player and be ok without a sound. I think the effect would help the player infer that there are iframes, instead of having to list it on your game page.
I definitely enjoyed what you have so far, and happy to finally play it after seeing progress reports.