For your first game, this is incredible! My first game was tic tac toe! LOL.
Did you make the music? It’s pretty good, but I’d turn down the volume a bit or give players the ability to do that. And I didn’t here any sound effects, so that’s something that should be added. Sound effects add so much life to a game! And there are lots of free ones online too.
I think the design of the levels are really good! I suppose other than adding some sound effects is to work on the control issues of the character and other bugs. Bugs really detract from what could be a fun and neat little game.
But really, for your first game, I mean it, this is incredible!
I don’t know what game jam game this makes for me or others on my team. I’ve been doing this for a while. So, we have fewer excuses for our flaws. But it’s hard to know what those are sometimes when you’re the creator. Would you help us out and play, rate and comment on our game and let us know what you did and did not like? We would love to know what you think! Thanks!