Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it and it's awesome for me if you had fun and amazing that you spotted Fifth Element since no one else has noticed so far. It's been so long I had forgotten about it.
I'm sorry about the wonky learning curve. The test servers are there to show the 'core' commands I want to use in the game play loop and see if they can use them and bug fix if anything comes up.
The commands are not going to be up to Linux standard because I am not including piping or other things non technical people might consider difficult. So that is why certain commands you may be familiar with are different / simplified. 'open' is used instead of 'cat' for example. 'peek' is a reference to the commodore basic language. When a tutorial is fleshed out I hope it gets more use so people don't forget. Aside from directories I want it to be the main way players can explore a computer and see cool art.
I will update the help file to make sure job, accept and check are there. Also will have a look at the download and upload commands to make them clearer. I'd love to include chain command as well and will have a look to see how feasible it could be to include.
Thanks again!