This is another chill take on a metroidvania! Not as chill as that rhizome game, but still pretty laid back! It’s good to see that a game doesn’t have to have oodles of enemies and combat to make it engrossing or fun! I’ll need to remember that when I make games. I also like the story that’s interwoven into the game play and makes me want to add one to our game.
I think the biggest issue of the game is the choice of camera motion. Having the camera quickly switch from one level grid to another while jumping platforms is disorientating and frustrating. You can’t see what the character is falling into to stick the landing or (if they’re there) miss enemies. I would switch to having the camera simply center on the player, and maybe use some camera limits at the very edge of the levels.
I appreciate that this was a one person effort and that art may not be your strong suite and is time consuming. But perhaps teaming up with an artist would have been a good call. An artist will look at things way different than a developer and come up with things that you never would. At least that’s how it is with me! (Sorry for projecting if it’s totally off base!)
Because of the camera issues I didn’t get that far into the game - I think. And I want to get to as many games as possible. But I’ll get back to this one again when I have more time. I do want to see how it ends.
So, great job! Especially for working solo!
We used Godot as well in our game and made heavy use of the MultiMeshInstance2D to create our mining zone level. We would love for you to check it out and leave a comment letting us know what you liked and didn’t! Thanks!