I had to stop playing because it crashed, but I liked what I saw. Here is the crash screen, if that helps.
- I really enjoyed the atmosphere. The music, art, and world-building worked together really nicely.
- The story seemed interesting. If I'm understanding it correctly, they eat the insect people?
- The background art was really good, especially the statues in Victory Park.
- I found it really hard to make a mental map of the space. If felt like the space looped around in physically impossible ways.
- It was quite hard to tell what was solid, and what wasn't. Sometimes I could pass through purple sprites, but sometimes not. It made it difficult to understand what the exits were for any given room.
- The elevator started working, but I don't know why. I kind of feel like I should be purposefully opening up the space.
Overall, I enjoyed it. I think the concept is intriguing, both gameplay-wise and in terms of world-building. I just found it confusing to play. Hope to see this continued!