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Many cool ideas in here, the abilities and animations all feel very polished. Shame that you got ditched. I will say I found a few things to criticize, though most of them would probably be fixed by having a more properly developed version of the game. 

The hammer causes a lot, a LOT, of lag, dunno if that's exactly on my end or the game's but it makes the hammer kinda wonky to use.

 Secondly, the invincibility ability lasts a bit too long for most of the areas that need it, and I think a good improvement would to either let you cancel it or use the other abilities in conjunction with it.

 The other problems I noticed were that there were a good few areas that lacked proper collision, which actually led me to a softlock in the blue level with that one yellow npc in the numbered rooms.

Other than that, while it kinda falls short of actually being a metroidvania, it shows a lot of potential, so if you wanna turn this into a fully fledged game in the future, go for it!

Thank you for the thorough play-through and feedback! I can't blame my buddy for bailing...  but it's still a bummer. The hammer lag is a known issue. It has to do with debris collision checks. My machine handles it fine, but when I tested on other PCs it came up occasionally. The soft locks are also known. Honestly, it's just super validating to hear you've found the same issues I'm currently debugging! Thanks for playing!