Thanks so much for making this series! I love how cute and sweet and wholesome it all is, you built such a detailed and vibrant queer little world. Gives me happy feels <3!
One thing that would have made my experience playing this part a bit better, I think: a short explanation once you acquire the Soul of Bat. Maybe something like: "You can now switch to bat form using START and fly to reach some new places!" I didn't press START until after acquiring the Soul of Bat, so I hadn't connected the item and the ability in my mind, and I got so frustrated trying to figure out how to enter the water ^_^;;
Also, I did a lot of unsuccessful button-mashing before I finally managed to interact with Kuliltu, so you can increment the number of players having reported that problem by one ;). I know how frustrating hunting bugs like that can be. If I can find the spoons, I may have a crack at that one myself one of these days.
All that said, I had a lovely time playing the series! Thanks for making and sharing this ^^!