Found this game through the Steam Summer Fest going on rn. I like the FnaF twist and yiff obviously but when comparing this version to that, it feels like some elements are watered down? In the Steam version, there were audio queues for when the girls slapped themselves onto the windows which seems to be gone now (might have made the game too easy) but besides that, those custom window animations are also gone! Resulting in them doing their mix of default animations now. They also seem to clip into each other now and allow for more than one girl at a window at a time. I also wish the "jump scare" animations that play when you die become unlocked in the gallery once you die by them. The steam version also seemed more dark and spooky where this one seems to have a lot more light, removing the atmosphere a bit imo. Lastly, you can complete the tasks now without zooming up on them (switches, generator and valve) where as before you had to go into them taking more time from you and having you focus more on them.
Smaller things: Date on the camera should change as you progress, You should be able to customize your desk any time once you beat a night (at the tablet screen to 'start game'), tapes should stay gone once you've collected them, radios should each play a specific song
Overall, was pretty pleasantly surprised by this game, it's actually fun and pretty well made so far, just needs a bit here and there and more scenes of course. Looking forwards to updates! Also love the Patrick Warburton impression, we need more of him XD