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This game has amazing visuals, and I love the style of the main character. Music is also pretty good. The scenery is glamorous and environment is very interesting. I see a lot of potential in this, but I also agree with some of the comments already mentioned below.

Combat doesn't feel fair until you get it, then it becomes rather trivial. That being said, I think this wasn't my biggest issue, because most of it is avoidable. The game had its difficult parts here and there, but when I got to the factory, I simply felt that everything was trying to kill me all the time with little reaction  time or anticipation. This not necessarily bad - especially when it's intended - but that usually comes with quick respawn mechanics and frequent checkpoints. I stopped playing after getting the wall climb ability because I was forced to go back the same way I came (which was already a tough gauntlet).  I felt like I was being punished for getting through that specific trial. The spikes didn't stand out enough, and the instant deaths from pits and presses were also frustrating.

Please don't see this as discouraging, because I know a lot of effort was put into this game which may be a diamond in the rough. Also, creating all this content and gameplay in a month is no easy task, and all things considered, this is absolutely impressive. 

Good job!