Oh wow this is a blast! It's minit with metroid aesthetics. I had so much fun playing it, and everything is super well made. Aside from some wall jumping troubles, everything was perfect. Level design was on point. Great job!!!
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Super creative game! I had lots of fun playiing this. I knew Mosa Lina from a stream I watched a few months back, it seemed a great game that I ended up never picking up.
Music/SFX is great, visuals are great, this is a very solid entry.
The levels after the tutorial are also randomized, yeah? I noticed I was getting lots of different levels with different patterns, and some had different colors and portal positions but a similar layout. When I played for the second time I noticed they were all different! I think randomizing the levels did very well for the replayability. This game is a fun playground. Great job!
The visuals are so cute! The music goes very well along with it.
Gameplay wise, I like the mix between arcade-y and puzzle-y, it reminds me a bit of necrodancer in that regard, except there are no rhythm mechanics. One thing that might've been interesting would be an incentive to minimize the number of clicks, because it's very possible to just keep adjusting your route/spamming clicks to get where you need to.
The combat visual effects are cool and it's nice to have a clear feedback of when you're being attacked or when you hit an enemy, kudos for that.
Great job!
This game has such interesting vibes! The music was on-point, kinda of a weird/out-of-place kinda thing, really good.
It is a tough game, but I enjoyed the exploration so much. The fact that it is procedurally generated was the cherry on top, I love this kind of stuff.
The bullet hell aspect of the game would work a bit better if your movement had no acceleration, but there were some ways around it (such as going to the very borders of the screen without actually leaving them, which seemed to work as a "safety spot")
One other thing that I found pretty interesting/unique was the actual transition to a different "scene" when exploring or fighting, like in JRPGs where you have a battle scene and a map scene.
Super unique and interesting overall. Great job!
Pretty good concept for this game! The turrets themselves are pretty weak (and waaaay inaccurate even with upgrades), but it was fun aiming and shooting the upcoming enemies with the mouse.
Oh, I just read the comment where you said you can actually aim the turrets with right mouse click. Whoops!
I think that this is a very engaging/interesting game loop. With more variety and interesting upgrades, I could see this kind of game reaching successful numbers at itch/steam. Good job!
I saved City6!
Nice aesthetic, and great job with the music, it really gets you pumped!
I went full armor regen and blades, which turned out to be an incredibly OP combination hehe. No punch/electric wave needed, I was just charging into enemies like a madman and destroying everything in my path. Very fun. Great job!
Cool minigames! (The Q&A wrecked me hard)
My favorite one was tracing the robot, I feel like a game where you have to keep drawing robots over and over the quickest as you possibly can would be pretty interesting.The fruit ninja one was very cool as well!
One thing that would be pretty interesting would be jumping from one minigame to another with a reduced time limit, for a challenge.
I like how polished the UI was.
Good job!
It's so cool seeing a TD come back to its RTS roots! I like how the player is able to control the robot. The resources were pretty limited, but spamming turrets seemed to do the trick.
The message about cooking dinner right after the bug invasion was amusing, haha.
With a bit more options for things to build, variety, and polish, I could see this evolve into something really special. Good job!
This was fun to play! I think I killed boss 2, the keycard appeared but the Camera suddenly zoomed all the way out and I couldn't pick it up for some reason (was it intended?)
I like that there are multiple upgrades and quests to do. Once I got a gun, the game became a lot more fun because I actually had much more fighting chance against the robots. Then I saved up and went for the machine gun, which was a really solid choice.
If I may give one suggestion, keeping the pixel size the same would be nice to help with visual clarity/style. Things were a bit far from one another (especially when trying to get to the second boss), and but other than that, the gameplay was solid with all the weapon choices and upgrades. Good job!
Thanks for playing! The super-jump thing isn't explained at all, I thought every player would end up experiencing it by accident and left it at that (I can definitely see how it may cause confusion tho).
Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the lore! I've been a fan of this kind of genre for such a long time, and there are lots of ideas I would like to expand on.
Hey another solo dev! (there are dozens of us! Dozens!)
Amazing songs! (they remind me of megaman 8) I really liked the level design, and the dynamics of shooting vs dashing depending on the enemies and their positions.
The stage becoming night was a very nice addition, this game has lots of personality/atmosphere. Also, the length of the level reminded me of sonic. I was so rooting for there to be another level, not because I found it short, but because I wanted to play more. Such vibes. Really nice entry, great job!
Very cool game, super creative. I'm not a total fan of the controls - using wasd + ctrl + space got me a tad bit confused, but that's because I don't have easy access to arrows keys on my mini keyboard so hey, I'm also to blame hehe. I got to the end, though, and the challenges were pretty interesting. Good job!
Interesting take on the theme. The debate mini-game was pretty unique (maybe a little too easy, but very unique). I feel like the whole game could be based on it. The music could be a little longer, maybe with some dramatic pauses when characters talk. There were lots of mechanics going on, which was nice in a way, but on the other hand maybe focusing on one and polishing the heck out of it would be best. One nice touch were the letters, I had fun reading those in between days.
Nonetheless, pretty cool experience, and lots of stuff done for going solo! Good job!
This is also one of my favourite entries.
I like what you did with the voices and text.
The chaining kills were incredibly satisfying, and I had lots of fun traversing the levels and killing the enemies. Simple yet super gorgeous visuals. The last gauntlet was rather difficult ( I kept throwing myself on the spikes), but the overall game experience was superb. I had slight troubles with some platforming , but nothing that takes the joy from the game. Great job!
Lovely visuals and music, and the intro is great!
The chopping trees mechanics was very satisfying. The only minor issues I had were with the controls, and the game could use a little bit of forgiveness (like allowing for two hits before dying, or maybe implementing checkpoints, but to be honest? Maybe checkpoints would ruin the purpose of the game, considering the story and your goals). To be a bit more specific about controls, buffering inputs would help a lot, I think, to reduce the perception of missed inputs.
Nonetheless, the art is really great and has lots of personality, and the music really gets you going. Great use of parallax as well. The environment was impressive. Beautiful entry, great job there!
The environment and levels are gorgeous. I very much enjoyed the cinematic effects. The gameplay, and specifically the character controls, were a bit confusing to me and I had a few issues with the physics. I felt like I didn't have enough control of the character and the anticipation phase of enemies' attacks were a bit sudden. Despite of that, I think with a few numeric adjustments and some extra visual feedback, those issues would definitely go away.
One thing that was really nice was the indication from enemies as to where to defend and how to attack. I died lots of times at the beginning but when it finally clicked, it made a lot of sense and I started having a lot of fun. Also, the environmental attacks with the fire and all were a great touch.
This game is full of very interesting details. The butterflies, the blood mechanics, the crustacean boss, the ending, the pretty environment. I feel like this has lots of potential, good job!
I love the visuals, the style, and the mood of this game. I played it multiple time to get some bad endings - the mushroom guy reminded me of WORLD of HORROR and its crazy endings, awesome job with that haha.
Speaking of art, the eerie aspect of everything was particularly charming. The red forest, the city, the characters and their looks, they all seem to dance with the ineffable, like there's something darker and unexplainable happening around that you just can't grasp.
I almost think that the first "bad" ending -which is just to keep fighting and eventually die, to be consumed by nature - seems blissful, in a way.
The storytelling is intriguing, and it makes me want more: What happens next? Will they overcome the masked man in the realm of dreams? What's with the empress? Also, I think being trapped under endless masks seems something really relatable for a lot of people, myself included. At which point are we ourselves, and not a mere simulation of our surroundings and foreign expectations? But I digress. Great job with this one, definitely one of my favorites.
Oh wow this game is huge for a game jam haha, it took me 52 minutes to get to the ending, but it was a pretty unique experience.
The story has lots of curious aspects, such as how different characters treat each other and how everyone carries the "weight" of being what they are (a veil of prejudice - misconceptions about oni, about women, and so on - and how the main character navigates through this whole mess). It also has a whimsical side to it with different types of creatures and all, like, the star-shaped hole in you-know-who's chest was wild!
The combat system reminds me of SMT/pokemon with the opposing elements, but with the interesting twist of changing stances. One thing to note is that the main character starts out very strong, with a complete set of skills, which can be overwhelming at first (I'm glad I have some experience with J-RPGs though). The possible strategies were really cool though, and I felt like almost every skill was useful in one way or another.
The battle against the "invulnerable" opponents was a real shounen experience - the whole fight was very enjoyable, cutscenes, new skills, a hidden power, the battle had it all hehe.
Super cool entry, great job with this one. I had lots of fun!