sounds like it's broken.
have you tried placing your enemy in a jail cell and moving it to where you want it to go? i know in the current stable version, spawnat doesnt work with keys, hps, ammos, weapons, etc. but if you place them off your play area you can "fake spawn"
so if you place an enemy at an off tile and move it the specified number of units to where you want it to go, it should go there. there are 64 "units" in a tile.
so if you want your enemy to "fake spawn" at tile 20 21, and you have a "jail cell" off on the corner of your map where you hold the things you want to "fake spawn". let's say you have nothing in the top left corner of your map, so you place an enemy at tile 1 1
64 x 20 = 1280
64 x 21 = 1344
replace your spawnat script command with:
entity move 1 1 1280 1344
that should move the entity you placed in the jail cell at tile 1 1 to tile coordinate 20 21.
this is an inelegant solution, but it works. atleast i think it does ;)
maybe one of the other guys here who has more knowledge can give you a better solution or a better answer. i have used this method and it worked for me, atleast with hp and keys. it should work with enemies and decorations to, but i dont think i have tested it with those.
EDIT: since you are using experimental build, you would need a z coord added to that.....
entity move 1 1 0 1280 1344 0