Firstly, I wanna say the shooting mechanics feel pretty good. They're responsive, the weapons kick just enough, the recoil seems fair, and the hit feedback is great. I did however find a few issues with the game... One of them was whenever I started aiming on a shielded enemy, and shot them, the FOV would decrease dramatically. Maybe this is on purpose, but it felt odd. Secondly, if you aim up while shooting, the recoil will increase to the point that the weapon flips around and is on seemingly mirrored. I don't feel like that was intentional. Lastly, I fell outside the map by accident, and well... The video kinda speaks for it self. Now, obviously, falling outside the map isn't intended, but in that case, I'd just add a few walls to the border of the map.
Also, I am curious as to why the planned release is 2025 specifically. It seems like a quite large project with that date, and I'm just somewhat curious as to why that may be.
Anyways, nice little project, keep up the good work!