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Hey, thanks for checking it out and for the feedback I really appreciate it!

The FoV punch on shielded enemies isn't supposed to decrease that dramatically. I was testing it out for different hit types so I set it to high numbers and forgot to change it back. My apologies!

The weapon flipping is definitely a bug! Thanks for finding that, I will get that fixed :)

Good point on the level bounds! I will add some walls and a playable area volume.

We're aiming for 2025 as most of the core tech is almost finished (only weapon tech is shown at the time of this comment). Core tech should be finished by end of year. Then for the next ~2 years after it will be adding the content we have planned. After that any outstanding bugs and polish for about 6-8 months. So late 2025 is where we're thinking right now based on our current speed, but that could always change.