I really like the faces on the blobs, very cute!
The puzzles were pretty cool and at times I had the thought "dang that's a cool way to use this mechanic" which I feel is exactly the feeling you wanna instill in the player when making a puzzle game.
The music was quite soothing and faded into the background as it's supposed to.
My only real criticism is the camera! It was quite frustrating at times to see the puzzle and felt like I was fighting the camera. Perhaps having it further up to see more of the level if not all of it, or instead having it move to predetermined locations might alleviate this.
The bugs with the platforms are self explanatory and should be fixed.
However to end on a high note the mechanic was something I personally haven't seen and thought was really fun and has potential for insanely cool puzzles!
All in all a fun game :D