I really like how this game doesn’t have combat. Instead you dispel dark energy from animals and things. I never died in the game - I’m not even sure it’s possible. And that’s not a bad thing either. You just get a little penalty with the size of your aura. So, the game is engaging without requiring lots of the usual fighting. It’s a breath of fresh air.
Of course the art is very good, and the cat and other things are cute. I actually like the choice of using instruments for the sound effects. But if a sound track is ever added, then there may be a conflict here.
My only issue with the game is the control scheme. Once dash was introduced I had problems timing it with jumps and such. (I’m left handed and not used to using wasd.) Game pad support would have been great. Or maybe the ability to rebind keys.
Could this be made to work on mobile? I think it’s style of engagement would work well there. But then how would the controls work? That’s even more challenging that appeasing picky south-paw judges. :)
If you would be so kind, please play, rate and comment on our game! We’d love to know what you think! Thanks!